Videoade Privacy Policy

Hey there, Videoade user!

We're excited to have you on board. At Videoade (, we're all about making your video advertising experience awesome while keeping your privacy in check. This policy breaks down how we handle your info when you use our service.

By using Videoade, you're giving us the thumbs up to collect and use your information as described here.

What's What in This Policy Let's start with some key terms:

Account: Your unique Videoade login that gives you access to our cool features.
Videoade (that's us!): We might refer to ourselves as "the Company," "We," "Us," or "Our."
Cookies: Small files that hang out on your device to remember stuff about your Videoade visits.
Country: We're based in the United States.
Device: Any gadget you use to access Videoade - computer, phone, tablet, you name it.
Personal Data: Any info that can be traced back to you.
Service: The Videoade website and all its features.
Service Provider: Any third-party company or person we work with to make Videoade awesome.
Usage Data: Automatic info we collect about how you use Videoade.
Website: That's
You: That's you! The person using Videoade.

What Info We Collect

Personal Data

When you sign up or use Videoade, we might ask for:
- Your email address
- Your name
- Usage data

Usage Data

This is the automatic stuff we collect when you're browsing Videoade, like:

- Your IP address
- Browser type and version
- Pages you visit on Videoade
- Time and date of your visit
- How long you spend on each page
- Unique device identifiers

If you're on a mobile device, we might also collect:

- Type of mobile device
- Your device's unique ID
- Your mobile IP address
- Mobile operating system
- Type of mobile browser
- Unique device identifiers

Cookies and Tracking Tech

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to keep tabs on your activity and store certain info.

These might include:

Browser Cookies: Small files on your device. You can tell your browser to reject cookies, but then some parts of Videoade might not work properly.
Flash Cookies: Used for certain features. You can manage these in your Flash Player settings.
Web Beacons: Tiny electronic files in some parts of Videoade and our emails that help us count visitors and track email engagement.

We use both session cookies (temporary) and persistent cookies (stick around longer) for various purposes:

Essential Cookies: These are the VIPs - they make sure Videoade works properly and keep your account secure.
Preference Cookies: These remember your settings and choices on Videoade.
Functional Cookies: These help us remember your preferences and provide personalized features.

How We Use Your Data

We use your personal data to:

- Keep Videoade running smoothly
- Manage your account
- Fulfill our service contracts with you
- Contact you about Videoade updates or important info
- Send you news and special offers (unless you've told us not to)
- Handle your requests and support needs
- Analyze how Videoade is used and make it better
- Evaluate business changes like mergers or acquisitions

Sharing Your Information
We might share your info:
- With service providers who help us run Videoade
- If Videoade is involved in a merger, acquisition, or asset sale
- With our business partners (with your permission)
- If required by law or to protect our rights

Keeping Your Data Safe

We take your data security seriously, but remember, no internet transmission is 100% secure. We use industry-standard protection methods, but we can't guarantee absolute security.

Want Your Data Deleted?

No problem! Email us at or use the chat feature on We'll handle your request within 2 business days.

Kids' Privacy

Videoade is for grown-ups (13 and older). We don't knowingly collect data from kids. If you're a parent and think your child has given us their info, let us know, and we'll take care of it.

Links to Other Sites

Videoade might link to other websites. When you click those links, you're leaving our site. We're not responsible for other sites' privacy practices, so check their policies.

Updates to This Policy

We might update this policy from time to time. We'll post any changes here and let you know about significant updates via email or a notice on Videoade.

Keep an eye on this page for any updates. By continuing to use Videoade after changes are posted, you're saying you're cool with the new policy.

Questions? Hit us up at We're here to help!